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Diesel generator set battery maintenance

Source:The unknownThe unknownTime:2020-02-05

Generator battery maintenance includes the correct use of batteries, maintenance and replacement of three aspects.

1.The correct use of

The starting time of the engine should not exceed 10s each time. When starting the engine again, the starting time should be separated by 2min. Because when starting a diesel engine, the starting current of the starter is 300-400a, if the starting time is too long or continuous, the windings of the starter will overheat, which will burn out the windings or damage the battery.

2. Regular maintenance

(1) in use, often check whether the battery voltage is normal, whether the joint is loose, whether the charger is normal operation, find the problem to solve in time.

(2) frequently check whether the battery electrolyte liquid level is within the normal range, pay attention to timely supplement electrolyte.

(3) when the electrolyte is added, the filling port should be cleaned first to prevent dirt (especially metal substances) from falling into the battery and damaging the battery.

(4) every time the electrolyte or distilled water is added, the scale of battery plate shall be taken as the standard. Can not be overfilled to prevent the battery charging, discharge, internal electrolyte overflow from the filling port, resulting in corrosion and damage of the terminal.

(5) often remove the battery indicated foreign bodies, dust and water, keep the battery clean, clean.

(6) it is not allowed to place metal tools or objects on the battery to prevent the battery from being damaged due to heavy current discharge.

3. Timely replacement

The battery must be replaced when it degrades to 80% of its rated capacity, that is, if a battery system is new and can supply 100A\1h, it must be replaced later when it can only supply 80A for 1h.

Battery capacity reduced to 80% of the rated capacity may occur plate grid corrosion and expansion, a large number of active material off the plate, electrolyte drying. Such batteries are no longer in use.

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